Members' news

Members of the Society may submit items to be published on this page and on the Youtube links page

Submissions (which can include pictures as well as text) might cover:

  • Forthcoming events
  • Recordings or publications
  • Other items of news of interest to members of the Society
  • Youtube performances (these are listed on a separate page)

To make a submission, please either complete the member submission form or send an email with relevant materials to the Webmaster.
Submissions will be checked by the Society for suitability and to ensure that copyright or privacy is not breached, and, if suitable, posted below. Youtube links are posted here.



Submitted by



27 Jan 16

Laura Snyderman

Alkan’s vocal music
I recorded a selection of Alkan's unpublished art songs on my undergraduate degree recital in April of 2015. This performance followed an extensive research project focusing on his accomplishments and compositions.
Youtube link: the first two of Trois anciennes mélodies juives (Chant du Nouvel An and Consolation et espérance) and Deuxième verset du 41e Psaume


3 Dec 15

Frank Lioni

Liszt’s Etude op.6 no. 11
I have recently posted an article on and with the title :F.Liszt; Etude Opus 6 nr. 11, History and Analysis. This is about one of his 12 ”youth etudes” with a discovery of mine.


22 Jun 15

Victor Lloyd

Alkan’s Chants and Mendelssohn’s Lieder ohne Worte
Some months ago I burned a CD with the twelve “Songs Without Words” of Felix Mendelssohn’s Opus 19 and 30 performed by Daniel Barenboim.  I arranged these on the disc so that each song was followed by the appropriate Alkan Opus 38 variation from the disc recorded by Stephanie McCallum. It is a very satisfying way to listen to all these lovely little pieces. If members have these discs in their collections, I advise the same exercise.


19 Dec 14

Victor Lloyd

Nominate “Alkan” as the name of a crater on the planet Mercury
Craters on Mercury are named for literary, graphic, or musical artists who are reasonably well known and have been dead for at least three years. The International AstronomicaI Union (IAU) is currently looking for names for five recently discovered craters on Mercury and the names will be announced  in a few months.
The public has been invited to submit suggestions for names. I think it is a good time to submit Alkan's name and I have done so.  Please add your voice to mine: details can be found here. The deadline for suggesting a name is 15 January.


22 Oct 14

Brian Inglis

Stoke Newington Contemporary Music Festival
Concert at Sutton House (London) on 23 Nov 2014 to include performance of 5 of Alkan’s Esquisses (from op 63) and Brian Inglis’ Concerto for piano solo (Homage to Alkan), 2013.
SNCMF website (for information):
Sutton House website (for tickets):


Submitted news
See Youtube links
